Today we are happy to announce Codacy’s partnership with 47 Degrees, the leading consulting firm for Scala, Akka, Spray and the Play Framework.
About 47 Degrees
As a certified Typesafe Partner, 47 Degrees specializes in delivering multi-platform reactive and scalable software solutions on a global level. Scala developers attending Scaladays will be familiar with their work on the official Scaladays mobile app. Angies List, Paramount, BBVA, Telefonica is only a selection of their client list.
A few months ago the 47 Degrees team also released Scala Exercises a great resource to learn and improve your Scala skills. Also check out their other open source projects on Github.
You should definitely get in touch with them, if you’re looking for a team of experts to meet your digital goals.
Edit: We just published an ebook: “The Ultimate Guide to Code Review” based on a survey of 680+ developers. Enjoy!
About Codacy
Codacy is used by thousands of developers to analyze billions of lines of code every day!
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