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A Guide to DevSecOps Tools

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It’s easy to talk about shifting security left. The idea that you want to bake any security concepts directly into the software development lifecycle (SDLC) from the beginning makes complete sense.

But then you have to do it. This burden falls on your core development team when they have a myriad of other considerations to deal with. Not only do they have to build out your core business logic, consider the final user experience, and ensure the application's performance, but they also have to consider security, compliance, testing, and deployment.

This is where DevSecOps tools come into play. These tools help automate and integrate security practices into the development workflow, making it easier for developers to address security concerns without sacrificing speed or efficiency. 

We want to guide you through these tools so you can build the proper infrastructure for your team and ensure you can continue high development velocity while delivering secure code and applications.

What is DevSecOps?

Before we look at the tools, what is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps, short for Development, Security, and Operations, is an approach that integrates security practices into the DevOps software development lifecycle. It aims to embed security as a shared responsibility throughout the entire IT lifecycle, from initial design through integration, testing, deployment, and software delivery.

Critical aspects of DevSecOps include:

  • Shift-left security: Integrating security practices early in the development process rather than treating it as an afterthought.

  • Automation: Implementing automated security tools and processes to ensure consistent and reliable security checks.

  • Continuous monitoring: Constantly monitoring the application and infrastructure for potential vulnerabilities and threats.

  • Collaboration: Encouraging communication and collaboration between development, security, and operations teams to address security concerns effectively.

  • Security as code: Treating security configurations and policies as code, making them version-controlled, testable, and auditable.

  • Compliance: Ensuring the software development process meets relevant security standards and regulations.

By adopting DevSecOps practices, organizations can deliver secure software faster, reduce the risk of security breaches, and foster a culture of shared responsibility for security across development, operations, and security teams.

What’s Required From DevSecOps Tools?

So, DevSecOps tools must consider automation, monitoring, collaboration, security, and compliance. This means there are some essential requirements you want from your DevSecOps tooling.


DevSecOps tools should seamlessly integrate with the existing development workflow, CI/CD pipelines, and other tools used by the team, such as:

  • Version control systems (e.g., Git, SVN)

  • Issue tracking and project management tools (e.g., Jira, Trello)

  • Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab CI, Azure DevOps)

  • Containerization and orchestration platforms (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes)

  • Cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP)

For example, a static code analysis tool should be able to scan code directly from the version control system. In contrast, a container security tool should integrate with the container registry and orchestration platform. This ensures that security checks are automated and embedded into the development process without causing disruption or delays.


The core functionality of DevSecOps tools is the automation of security tests, scans, and other processes:

Automation should be achieved through scriptable APIs, command-line interfaces (CLIs), and integration with CI/CD pipelines. This triggers security checks automatically on code commits, pull requests, or deployment events. This helps ensure that security checks are performed consistently and reliably, reducing the risk of human error and saving time for the development team. Our 2024 State of Software Quality report found that automating is still not a given in software development, with over 40% of teams still conducting unit and frontend testing manually.


As the application and infrastructure grow, DevSecOps tools should be able to scale accordingly. This includes:

  • Supporting multiple programming languages and frameworks

  • Scanning large and distributed codebases efficiently

  • Handling high volumes of security events and alerts

  • Integrating with cloud-native technologies and serverless architectures

  • Providing distributed and parallel processing capabilities

They should be capable of handling increased workloads, larger codebases, and more complex environments without compromising performance or accuracy. Scalability can be achieved through multi-threading, distributed computing, and containerization. Tools such as auto-scaling groups and Kubernetes clusters should also leverage cloud-native scaling mechanisms.

Comprehensive Coverage

They should be able to identify and address security issues across different application stack layers.

  • Application code (e.g., server-side, client-side, mobile)

  • Application dependencies and libraries

  • Containers and container images

  • Infrastructure as code (e.g., Terraform, CloudFormation)

  • Cloud resources and configurations

  • Network and API endpoints

Tools should use various techniques to identify vulnerabilities, such as signature-based detection, behavioral analysis, and machine learning. They should also stay up-to-date with the latest threat intelligence and vulnerability databases.

Actionable Insights

DevSecOps tools should provide clear, actionable insights and recommendations. They should identify security vulnerabilities and offer guidance on how to remediate them effectively. 

  • Detailed vulnerability reports with severity ratings and exploit potential

  • Remediation guidance with code examples and best practices

  • Integration with issue-tracking systems for easy assignment and tracking

  • Risk scoring and prioritization based on business impact and likelihood

  • False positive management and tuning capabilities

Insights should be presented in a developer-friendly format, such as IDE plugins, chat notifications, or pull request comments. This helps developers quickly understand and address security issues without disrupting their workflow.

Collaboration and Communication

The tools should foster collaboration and communication between development, security, and operations teams. DevSecOps tools should facilitate cooperation and communication through:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) to manage user permissions and responsibilities

  • Integrations with communication platforms (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams)

  • Centralized dashboards and reporting for a unified view of security posture

  • APIs for data sharing and integration with other tools and systems

  • Workflow management features for tracking and resolving security issues

Tools should enable a collaborative approach to security, where developers, security teams, and operations work together to identify and mitigate risks.  They should provide a centralized platform for sharing security findings, tracking issues, and discussing remediation strategies.

By selecting DevSecOps tools that meet these technical requirements, organizations can ensure a robust, scalable, and effective implementation of security within their development lifecycle.

The 7 Main Types of DevSecOps Tools

DevSecOps tools are really a series of tools, each focusing on a specific aspect of security within the software development lifecycle. These tools work together to create a comprehensive security framework that addresses vulnerabilities and risks at various stages of development, testing, and deployment.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

SAST tools analyze the application's source code or compiled code without executing it. They scan the codebase to identify potential security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), buffer overflows, and insecure cryptographic practices. SAST tools use techniques like pattern matching, data flow analysis, and taint analysis to detect vulnerabilities. They support various programming languages and integrate with IDEs, version control systems, and CI/CD pipelines.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

DAST tools test the application while it is running in a production-like environment. They simulate attacks and malicious user behavior to identify runtime vulnerabilities and weaknesses. DAST tools interact with the application through its exposed interfaces, such as web pages, APIs, and web services. They perform actions like SQL injection, XSS, and parameter tampering to uncover security flaws. DAST tools do not require access to the application's source code and can test custom-built and third-party applications. 

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

SCA tools help manage the security risks of using open-source and third-party components in an application. They scan the application's dependencies, libraries, and frameworks to identify known vulnerabilities, outdated versions, and license compliance issues. SCA tools maintain a database of known vulnerabilities and compare the application's bill of materials (BOM) against this database. They provide alerts and recommendations for updating or patching vulnerable components. SCA tools integrate with package managers, build tools, and CI/CD pipelines.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Security

IaC security tools ensure the secure provisioning and configuring of infrastructure resources defined through code. They scan IaC files, such as Terraform templates or CloudFormation scripts, to identify misconfigurations, insecure settings, and policy violations. IaC security tools use static analysis techniques to parse and compare the code against best practices and security benchmarks. They provide recommendations for remediation and can block the deployment of insecure infrastructure. 

Secrets Detection

Secrets detection tools help identify and prevent the exposure of sensitive information in code repositories, configuration files, and other artifacts, such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. They scan the codebase, commit history, and storage locations to detect patterns that resemble secrets. Secrets detection tools use techniques like regular expressions, entropy analysis, and machine learning to identify potential secrets. They can integrate with version control systems, CI/CD pipelines, and secret management solutions to automate the detection and remediation process.

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)

CSPM tools continuously monitor and assess the security posture of an organization's cloud infrastructure. They discover cloud resources, analyze their configurations, and identify security risks and compliance issues. CSPM tools use APIs provided by cloud providers to collect data about resources, such as virtual machines, storage buckets, and network settings. They compare the actual configurations against security best practices, compliance frameworks, and organizational policies. CSPM tools provide visibility into the overall security posture, generate alerts for misconfigurations, and offer remediation guidance.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, or "pen testing," involves simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities in an application or infrastructure. Pen testing tools automate and assist in the process of testing a system's security. They include tools for surveillance, vulnerability scanning, exploitation, and post-exploitation activities. Pen testing tools can be used to test web applications, networks, APIs, and mobile apps. They help identify weaknesses in authentication, authorization, input validation, and other security controls. 

By integrating these specialized tools into the DevOps workflow, organizations can automate security checks, identify and remediate vulnerabilities early, and ensure that security is consistently incorporated throughout the development process. This shift-left approach to security enables teams to catch and fix issues before they make it into production, reducing the risk of security breaches and improving the overall quality of the software.

10 Best Practices For Implementing DevSecOps Tools Into Your Development Workflow

  1. Integrate security from the start. Include security requirements and considerations in the development process's initial planning and design phases. Conduct threat modeling sessions to identify potential security risks and define appropriate controls. Incorporate security user stories and acceptance criteria into the development backlog.

  2. Automate security testing. Integrate SAST tools into the IDE or code editor to provide real-time feedback to developers as they write code. Configure SAST and DAST tools to run automatically as part of the CI/CD pipeline, triggered by code commits or pull requests. Establish quality gates in the pipeline to prevent the deployment of code that fails security tests or exceeds predefined risk thresholds. Use SCA tools to automatically scan for vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies and generate alerts for necessary updates or patches.
  3. Adopt a microservices architecture. Break down monolithic applications into smaller, loosely coupled microservices. Implement security at the microservice level, using techniques like mutual TLS authentication, API gateways, and service mesh for secure communication between microservices. Use containers and container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes to provide isolation and granular security controls for each microservice.

  4. Implement infrastructure as code. Define and manage infrastructure resources using declarative configuration files (e.g., Terraform, CloudFormation). Integrate IaC security tools to scan and validate the configuration files for security best practices and compliance requirements. Use version control systems to track changes to infrastructure code and enable collaboration and review processes.

  5. Secure the CI/CD pipeline. Implement access controls and authentication mechanisms for the CI/CD pipeline components and use secrets management tools to store and manage sensitive information used in the pipeline securely. Implement pipeline security features like signed commits, two-factor authentication, and RBAC. Regularly audit and monitor the pipeline for suspicious activities or unauthorized changes.

  6. Implement continuous monitoring. Deploy CSPM tools to continuously monitor the security posture of cloud infrastructure and detect misconfigurations or policy violations. Integrate security information and event management (SIEM) systems to aggregate and analyze security logs from various tools and systems. Set up automated alerts and notifications for critical security events or anomalies. Regularly review and respond to security findings and prioritize remediation efforts based on risk severity.

  7. Foster a culture of collaboration. Establish cross-functional teams that include developers, security professionals, and operations staff. Encourage regular communication and knowledge sharing through Slack, Microsoft Teams, or shared wikis. Conduct security awareness training sessions to educate developers about secure coding practices, common vulnerabilities, and the importance of security in the development process. Implement a blameless postmortem process to learn from security incidents and continuously improve the development and security practices.

  8. Integrate security into the feedback loop. Incorporate security findings and vulnerabilities into the issue tracking system (e.g., Jira, GitHub Issues). Prioritize and track the remediation of security issues alongside other development tasks. Provide clear guidance and code examples for fixing identified vulnerabilities. Celebrate and recognize the efforts of developers who proactively address security concerns and contribute to a secure development culture.
  9. Implement threat intelligence. Subscribe to threat intelligence feeds and integrate them into the DevSecOps workflow. Use threat intelligence data to prioritize and inform security testing efforts. Regularly update security tools and vulnerability databases with the latest threat information. Conduct red team exercises and penetration testing to simulate real-world attack scenarios and identify gaps in the security posture.

  10. Continuously measure and improve. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the effectiveness of DevSecOps practices (e.g., time to fix vulnerabilities, number of security incidents, code coverage by security tests). Regularly review and analyze these metrics to identify areas for improvement and track progress over time. Conduct security audits and assessments to validate the implementation of security controls and identify opportunities for enhancement. Continuously iterate and refine the DevSecOps processes based on feedback, lessons learned, and industry best practices.

Organizations can build a robust and secure software development lifecycle by following these best practices and integrating DevSecOps tools throughout the development workflow. Making security an integral part of the development process requires combining technical solutions, processes, and cultural shifts. Continuous collaboration, automation, and measurement are essential to successfully implementing DevSecOps and delivering secure applications at scale.

Codacy: An All-in-One DevSecOps Solution

Codacy Security offers everything outlined above. Out of the box, you get SAST, SCA, IaC scanning, and secret detection. We also provide pen testing through our partnership with Bulletproof. DAST and CSPM are coming soon. 

Codacy Security integrates seamlessly with your existing development workflow, supporting various languages, frameworks, and tools. It automates security testing throughout the development process, providing developers with real-time feedback and actionable insights.

With its scalable architecture, Codacy Security can handle large codebases and high volumes of security data, making it suitable for organizations of any size. It offers comprehensive coverage across the application stack, identifying vulnerabilities in code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure.

Codacy Security provides detailed reports and remediation guidance, enabling developers to understand and address security issues quickly. Its collaboration features facilitate communication between development, security, and operations teams, fostering a culture of shared responsibility for security.

By integrating all the essential DevSecOps tools and capabilities into a single platform, Codacy Security simplifies the implementation of security best practices and helps organizations deliver secure applications at scale. If you want to secure your entire codebase and organization, you can get started for free today or sign up for a demo to learn more about how Codacy Security can help you and your team.


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Automate code
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