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Automatic comments on your pull requests: new Codacy feature

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Automatic comments on your pull requests with our code analysis results is a new feature we have launched after beta tests with users.

All our analysis issues can now be pushed automatically to your pull request page so you don’t have to comment yourself.
We believe this will be very useful to cut time off your code reviews.

Here’s what it looks like:

How to activate auto comments

This feature is not currently activated by default.
We didn’t activate automatic comments by default to try to minimize confusion (we didn’t want our users to start having comments from nowhere without opt-in).
As we continue to understand the benefits of pushing automatic comments to Github, we might review this in the future and turn them on by default.
But for now, please do opt-in.

Here’s how to activate the automatic pull requests:

automatic comments integration

For more information, please follow the guide in our documentation: https://docs.codacy.com/repositories-configure/integrations/github-integration/#enabling

Edit: We just published an ebook: “The Ultimate Guide to Code Review” based on a survey of 680+ developers. Enjoy!

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Group 13