New project quality settings to improve Codacy code check

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With the new ability to define project quality settings, we help you perform better code quality checks using Codacy automated code review tool.  The new features will help enable finer-grained control over your code quality.

Define project quality settings

Starting today, you can define quality settings for your project’s commits and pull requests.


Inside your project’s settings you now have a Quality Settings section where you can select different parameters for the metrics we use to flag a commit or pull request as green or red.

With this feature, you now have greater control over the build status and success/fail of commits and pull requests.

This feature also enables you to turn off a metric like duplication or complexity.

We’ve developed this feature in response to your feedback, so thank you for helping us build a better Codacy.

Edit: We just published an ebook: “The Ultimate Guide to Code Review” based on a survey of 680+ developers. Enjoy!

About Codacy

Codacy is used by thousands of developers to analyze billions of lines of code every day!

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Automate code
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