February’s Product Update: 1-Click Autofixes for GitHub, New People Experience and more 🚀

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Welcome to our monthly product update! We’ve been working hard over the past month and have some exciting updates for you below. 🥳

We want to share new features and product updates, interesting reads, and the first monthly Codacy Community MVPs. Plus, you can check the features and updates that are in progress and the ones that will be coming out soon, as well as vote on the most important ones for you!

1-Click Autofixes for GitHub 🚀

We’re excited to provide our users with automatic fixes to their JavaScript and TypeScript code using GitHub suggestions; from now on, Codacy will give suggestions on how to fix your code, which can be automatically committed in just one click. This feature is available for Pro users using GitHub only. Learn more about it here.

Twitter Card - New Feature (1)

Improved people experience 🤩

Now the organization owners can approve pending requests to join, add recent contributors as teammates or add users by their email addresses in a much better fashion. Inside the people page, you’ll see a summary of recent contributors to your repositories who are not members of your Codacy organization yet. Find more information on the docs page.


Codacy Self-hosted v3.3.0

We’ve released a new version of Codacy Self-hosted – v3.3.0 🎉

✅ Product enhancements: import tool and pattern configurations, improved user experience to add and manage organizations, Kubernetes v1.20.* is now supported
✅ Bug fixes
✅ Tool version updates: Bandit now works with Python 3.8, TSLint 6.1.3 was updated from 5.14.0, ESLint update is a small update from v.7.17.0, Rubocop was updated to 1.9.1, adding a lot of new rules


Companies are already building elite teams with Pulse – a tool for faster time to market and visibility of bottlenecks 👉 Join them here.



New Codacy API endpoints 🚀

We’re exposing a set of API endpoints that provide information about overall file quality, found issues, and ignored issues. This will allow you to obtain even greater insights across your organization and consume this information in a more flexible way, such as by aggregating data according to teams, components, or any other dimension not available within Codacy. You can find more information on our roadmap, under “Current issues API“, “Files API” and “Ignore issues API”.

Interesting reads

“Interview with Daniel Pfeiffer, CTO at Firstbird” 🐤

Through an informal talk with Daniel we looked to understand how he and his team started using Codacy, what were their main needs, the benefits they found, and what it helped them solve. Read the full story →

“Add a custom host to Kubernetes” 👨‍💻

You can reach a custom host from inside any pod on the cluster with a few steps. Our Sr. Solutions Engineer Hélio Rocha explains how to add a custom host to K8s. Learn more →

“Deciphering Javascript Checkers: Know why and when you might use them”

These are great tools for making sure your team is writing high-quality code and following the same rules across the board. Find potential uses of these linters and how they can improve software quality →


Console Newsletter is a free weekly email digest of the best tools and beta releases for developers. We have no affiliation with Console, we just want to share it with you. You may like it as much as we do. Check the website →


We have had our community live for one month and want to highlight the first Community MVPs of the month 🏆 Congratulations to all!

Emily BourneIgo LapaMustafa Ozhan,

Romain MorlevatStas KlymenkoZoran Jankov

Help others in the community and you could be next! ⚡

community mvp

Join the Community Here

We’re constantly updating our Product Roadmap to bring new and exciting features ✨ give us feedback!

We’d like to continue sharing our updated product roadmap with you ✨ You can see what we are working on, and what’s up next. You can also submit an idea/feature request and vote on what is most important! Your feedback matters 💪 See what’s next →

Thank you for being on this journey with us. We have some exciting updates already lined up for the month of March – Stay tuned! 😊


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