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April Product Update: New features and improvements, a recorded Codacy Analysis CLI webinar and more 🚀

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Here are the product updates from April! This month we bring you new features, product improvements, a recorded Codacy Analysis CLI webinar we held, and more interesting reads. 🙌

We also always share our public product roadmap so you can check the features and updates that are in progress and the ones that will be coming out soon, as well as vote on the most important ones for you!

Flexible repository privileges and permissions 🤩

You can now manage permissions to manage branches and configure file extensions.

✅  The ability to configure the permission level in Organization ➡️  Settings ➡️  Manage Privileges
✅  Changes on the UI that disable/enable actions for the users based on their permission level, and shows them the cause when the action is disabled. Learn more in our docs.

integration with githubSmoother integration with the GitHub App 🚀

After installing the GitHub App, we now offer a more seamless experience when selecting your repositories. After a user installs the GitHub App, we now refresh our cache. That means the repository list will be updated automatically.


Warning when a tool failed during the analysis

Warning when a tool failed during the analysis ❕

Codacy now lets you know in its UI when a tool has failed during the analysis; when a tool fails on a commit, the Pull Request page shows a warning to alert the user that some commits had problems with the analysis.


Notification of finished analysis

Notification of finished analysis on the commits page ✅

In the past, you’d need to refresh the commits page to see if an analysis had finished. We now let you know when an analysis has finished running.

Reanalyzing commits after configuration changes 🔄

Now, every time you change configuration – whether it’s patterns, tools, files, extensions, issues – we show a “toast” message with a link to let you conveniently and quickly trigger a re-analysis.

Easier to send coverage and analysis results 📮

You can now use an Account API token instead of a Project API token, making it super easy to set up multiple projects!

Get your repository/files grade letter via API 🔤

Instead of calculating the grade of your repository from the numeric grade, now you can retrieve it directly using the Codacy API.

Guide your Engineering to Elite Performance with Pulse 🚀

Focus on outcomes rather than outputs by measuring delivery performance with delivery lead time, deployment frequency, time to restore service, and change fail rate. You can discover actionable insights with the Lead time & Reviews dashboard. Find out how long it takes for features to be developed, and how long it takes to merge them with: Time to open and Time to Review.

Companies are already building elite teams with Pulse 👉 Join them here.

Screenshot 2021-03-24 at 13.45.47-1


Webinar on the Codacy CLI: “Local analysis: What you can achieve with a single command, and how to make the most out of it” 🖥️

In this webinar, we provide an overview of static code analysis and detail how you can set up the CLI to run Codacy code analysis on your build server. You’ll also get a better sense of its benefits. In this 25-minute webinar, we covered:

  • Prerequisites, how to use, how to configure the CLI to execute Codacy code analysis locally
  • Taking advantage of the CLI to use it in your build pipelines/workflow
  • Live example and Q&A session. Watch the webinar here →

Interesting reads

“Using the API to add Codacy Grade details to the Readme” 💻

Codacy has a badge mechanism that can be included in your Readme file. It gives you an idea of the grade of your repo, but the new Codacy V3 API gives us a lot of new endpoints with useful information. Check the article →

 “”List of tools for code review engineers” 👨‍💻

If you perform code reviews at your company we hope that this list of tools adds value to your GitHub workflow. Read on GitHub →

“Top 10 ways to perform fast code reviews” 🧑‍💻

We keep learning a lot with our user base which currently supports more than 200,000 developers. Learn more regarding code review best practices →

“5 Major Problems With Synchronous Code Reviews”

An interesting article by Herbert Bodner regarding the main downsides of synchronous code review. Read the full post →

“The dark side of productivity metrics” 🌘

Avoid misuses of productivity metrics when introducing them for the first time. Join our community and be part of the discussion →


We are now more than 150 members in our community! Your support and feedback are very important to us, and we look forward to keep growing and learning with you. Thank you all 🙌

Help others on the community forum and you could be a Codacy MVP! ⚡

Join the Community Here

We’re constantly updating our Product Roadmap to bring new and exciting features ✨ give us feedback!

We’d like to continue sharing our updated product roadmap with you ✨ You can see what we are working on, and what’s up next. You can also submit an idea/feature request and vote on what is most important! Your feedback matters 💪 See what’s next →

Thank you for being on this journey with us. There will be more fresh news coming up – Stay tuned! 😊


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Hi there 👋,
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Automate code
reviews on your commits and pull request

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