New public product roadmap – See what’s in store for Q1

We’re excited to release a public product roadmap for 2020. Now, those outside Codacy can see what our team is working on and provide their input. Check it out at and get engaged!

About our product roadmap
Our product roadmap outlines the vision and direction of our code quality standardization platform over time. It includes the features we plan to launch in upcoming releases. The plan is at a high-level. It may be flexible and influenced by changes involving our organization, market, customers and more.
Dashboard interface
Via the dashboard users can choose to view product-related updates including items that are complete, in progress or planned. Very importantly, users can vote on the importance of upcoming features. Choose from three options including “nice to have,” “important” or “critical.” Such input is highly valuable to our product team so please share your thoughts!
In Progress
With the current roadmap “In Progress” items for Q1 include:
- Support and Revive For Go: improved support for the Go programming language by replacing the GoLint linting tool with Revive.
- Repos Sync For Gitlab Enterprise: currently working on having repositories, organizations and permissions sync between Codacy and Gitlab Enterprise. This will save users’ time, particularly those at large businesses.
- GitLab for Cloud Support: as part of our Git providers integrations, we will extend support with GitLab for Cloud.
- Use GitHub Checks API: the GitHub Checks API will help address issues with existing Codacy comments. Integrations run with it will report detailed information rather than just pass/fail build statuses.
In addition to items “In Progress” you can also see those planned for the first quarter. Currently, the major initiatives are:
- Support for Go Security Analysis: add security analysis to existing Go programming language support.
- Improve Scala Support: this entails adding more Scala rules including new security checks.
- Support Clang-Tidy for C++: additional support for clang-tidy, a C++ linter tool that provides a framework for diagnosing and fixing typical programming errors such as style violations or bugs that can be detected via Static Analysis.
As mentioned above, our product roadmap is flexible so some items in the pipeline could potentially change if impacted by external factors.
Your feedback is #1
The number one factor that we take into consideration for our product plan is your feedback. We really encourage you to reference our roadmap and vote on the importance of upcoming features. Also, regularly check our the product section of our blog for updates and posts which dig deeper into new Codacy features.
Last, be sure to post feedback and questions to our social networks. We would particularly love to hear from you on our Twitter and Codacy Community slack channels.