Security alerts on your project

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Just launched our security dashboard: a way for you to quickly view all the security alerts at once.

security alert dashboard

One of the most requested features during the last few months has been: a summarised way to see security alerts.

Many times we’ve found that developer teams get requests from security departments and have no quick way of demonstrating they are on top of the matter.

We also have seen teams that get audited a few times per year and need reports for compliance.

So we’re releasing a new security dashboard today for all of our users.

This new dashboard aggregates security alerts from your code and shows it in a meaningful and summarised view

The alerts identified are mapped to OWASP top 10 categories

What can you do with it?

This new dashboard is perfect for:

  • Keeping all the team in sync with security best practices
  • Issue a quick report for an audit or a compliance request
  • Understand what files are more at risk
  • Onboard your security department in Codacy and stop sending tool logs per email

These checks are updated as soon as a new commit is analysed.

We already provide many security code analysis checks either built internally or from the great tools integrate from your workflow.

Because we’re dealing with security, we need to tell you: this is not a comprehensive security analysis nor does it replace more advanced security penetration testing. These constitute security hygiene and are extremely important to check on a PR and commit basis.

We’re slowly rolling out security analysis for most programming languages through the support of new code analysis tools.

Thanks for reading! Happy code reviews!

About Codacy

Codacy is used by thousands of developers to analyze billions of lines of code every day!

Getting started is easy – and free! Just use your  GitHub, Bitbucket or Google account to sign up.



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