

7 Best Practices: Working with Freelancers & Outsourced Developers
Freelancers and outsourced developers have become more regular parts of the team for many using Codacy. There are some best practices we learned to...
The New Codacy
In the last weeks, we worked hard using the feedback gathered from the thousands of developers using Codacy, to release a new version of our product.
SSL Security In European Banking
Moved by recent security issues regarding SSL and certificates, I wanted to study the state of the SSL security in the European online banking system.
Introducing Codacy for PHP projects and easier file ignore
Starting today, you can put Codacy to work on your PHP projects. We’re also putting into production an interface for you to easily ignore files and...
Open for business
The last couple of months have been good to us.
Typed actors with routing
This is a blog post of our Code Reading Wednesdays from Codacy ( we make code reviews easier and automatic. A few weeks ago we

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