New Research Report - Exploring the 2024 State of Software Quality

Group 370

Codacy Product Showcase October 8th - Sign Up to Learn About Platform Updates

Group 370

Spotlight Whitepaper by IDC on Importance of Automated Code Review Technologies

Group 370
organization manager role
New Organization Manager Role and Language Support Added
Our new organization manager role represents a huge step in our mission to tailor platform access to the needs and preferences of our customers.
Coding Standards: What Are They and Why Are They Important?
The goal of any software engineering team is to create high-quality software through a fast, efficient, and easily repeatable process. But when...
code smells and anti patterns
Code Smells and Anti-Patterns: Signs You Need to Improve Code Quality
Software quality isn't a luxury–it's a necessity. As developers, we know that writing code isn't just about making things work; it's about crafting...
What Is DevSecOps? Shift Security Left in Your DevOps Lifecycle
Security is a critical component of modern software development, and development teams are well aware of this. According to our 2024 State of Software...
Shift Left Testing: A Complete Guide 
Despite a constant influx of new tools aimed at helping software development teams become more productive, companies continue to struggle to optimize...
codacy intelligence dashboard
How Our CSMs Use Data to Improve Customer ROI
There is an odd thing about “customer success” in most companies. It’s rarely about customer success.It is mostly about retroactively responding to...

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