New Research Report - Exploring the 2024 State of Software Quality

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Building a Quality-Oriented Development Culture

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The quality of code is not just a metric—it's a fundamental pillar that upholds the integrity, reliability, and success of your product.

This is why having a culture that prioritizes and nurtures code quality at every level of the development process is essential. It ensures that excellence in coding is not just an individual responsibility but a collective goal, driving teams to deliver robust, performant solutions consistently. According to our 2024 State of Software Quality survey, only 53% of developers consider code reviews a mandatory part of their workflow.

So, how do we build such a culture? It comes from a combination of leadership commitment, effective mentoring, continuous learning, and an environment that recognizes and rewards high-quality work.

This involves setting clear standards, providing regular feedback, and ensuring that quality is integrated into every stage of the development lifecycle. By embedding these principles into the core of your team's operations, you cultivate a mindset where quality is the norm, not the exception.

A Leadership Committed to Quality

Leaders set the tone and direction for the entire organization, and their commitment to quality is crucial in fostering a culture that values and achieves high standards in coding and development processes.

It starts with integrating the importance of quality into the company’s mission and value statements. Leaders should articulate a clear vision where quality is not just an operational goal but a core value. This helps align the entire organization’s efforts toward a unified quality objective.

This doesn’t have to mean you have a header in your mission statement called “Quality Code.” It means that your mission and values intrinsically support code quality. Here are our values at Codacy:

Codacy values

Each of these lends itself to many positive outcomes in our company, and high-quality code in our product is one of them, from the obvious "Reliable," which speaks directly to the quality of our code, to "Curious," where we are always looking for the best code solution to solve problems. 

This is part of defining what quality means in the context of the organization's work. Leadership must also set measurable quality goals and make these expectations part of every project brief and team goal. Such clarity ensures that the entire team understands the quality benchmarks they aim to achieve.

Leaders should talk about quality and demonstrate it through their actions. This could be by personally engaging in code reviews, contributing to the development of quality standards, or showing a willingness to invest time and resources in quality improvement initiatives. Leaders actively participating in these practices send a powerful message about their commitment to quality.

At Codacy, that’s easier because we’re always thinking about code quality. At other organizations, this type of commitment takes a concerted effort from the leadership team. But the effort pays off in the long run.

A leadership committed to quality is instrumental in building a development culture that values and achieves high standards. Through clear communication and role modeling, leaders can embed a quality-first mindset across the organization, leading to improved coding standards and overall product excellence.

Mentors Who Lead on Quality

Mentors play a pivotal role in steering the quality of code and processes. These experienced individuals, often senior developers or managers, are the custodians of coding excellence, imparting their wisdom and setting standards for the next generation of developers.

Effective mentorship is proactive and engaged. Mentors should regularly schedule sessions with junior developers to discuss coding practices, review code, and provide guidance on complex technical issues. This one-on-one attention helps address specific learning needs and accelerates the development of junior team members.

Here’s a possible agenda:

  • Review of previous session's action points (10 minutes): Begin by discussing the progress on action points or challenges set during the last session. This ensures continuity and accountability.

  • Code review (20 minutes): Examine a piece of code the junior developer has recently worked on. Focus on coding style, efficiency, and adherence to best practices. Provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

  • Discussion on a specific technical topic (15 minutes): Cover a pre-decided technical matter relevant to the junior's current projects or skill development needs.

  • Problem-solving exercise (10 minutes): Work through a specific problem or bug together, demonstrating problem-solving techniques and quality-focused approaches.

  • Setting goals and action points for the next session (5 minutes): Conclude by setting clear goals and action items for the junior developer to work on before the next session.

Mentors should also use these sessions to openly share their experiences, including challenges and how they’ve overcome them. This sharing of knowledge goes beyond technical skills, encompassing insights into problem-solving, effective teamwork, and navigating project complexities. Such discussions can be invaluable in shaping a junior developer’s approach to quality.

Companies can also establish a formal mentorship program to systematically foster quality. Such programs can include structured learning paths, regular review sessions, and specific goals for both mentors and mentees. By formalizing mentorship, the organization underscores its commitment to developing quality-focused developers.

At Codacy, we have Codacy Pioneers, a fellowship program beyond just our company to mentor and support developers who build and maintain open-source projects. This gives them access to senior developers to learn from, and access to code quality tools to keep their projects high quality.

Codacy Pioneers program mentors

Mentors who lead on quality play a critical role in shaping the development culture of an organization. Through active mentorship, structured programs, knowledge sharing, and consistent feedback, they instill a deep-rooted appreciation for quality, paving the way for a future generation of developers who prioritize excellence in every line of code.

Continuously Learning Quality

Continuous learning is vital to maintain and enhance code quality. Keeping abreast of evolving technologies, methodologies, and best practices is crucial for developers to refine their craft and contribute to a culture of quality.

An excellent opportunity to allow for self-sustained learning is the development of “communities of practice” within your organization. These communities are groups of people who “engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain.”

Effectively, they are workshops and training sessions directly relevant to your team’s current projects and challenges. Depending on what your team is learning, they may focus on areas such as new programming languages, advanced debugging techniques, or emerging software development methodologies. These sessions should be interactive, allowing for hands-on exercises and discussions. These sessions help disseminate new information and promote a culture of collective learning and peer mentorship.

Companies can do two things to help sustain these communities:

  1. Provide developers with access to learning resources. This can include subscriptions to online learning platforms, technical journals, and access to industry conferences. Encouraging team members to set aside time for self-study regularly and exploring these resources fosters a proactive learning culture.

  2. Support and encourage your team to participate in tech communities, meetups, and forums. Engagement in these communities offers exposure to diverse perspectives and solutions, enriching the team’s collective knowledge and keeping them at the forefront of technological advancements.

Continuous learning is a critical component in maintaining a quality-focused development culture. By investing in the ongoing education of the team and creating opportunities for learning and application, organizations can ensure that their developers are skilled in current technologies and well-prepared to adapt to future advancements in the field.

Rewarding Quality

Recognizing and rewarding high-quality work is essential in reinforcing a quality-oriented culture within a development team. Effective rewards motivate individuals and set a standard of excellence for the entire team to aspire to. 

Here are key strategies to effectively reward quality:

  • Acknowledgment in team settings: Regularly acknowledge high-quality work during team meetings. Public recognition from peers and leaders can significantly boost morale and set a clear example of what is valued in the organization. This recognition can be verbal acknowledgments, highlighting exemplary work in presentations, or featuring quality achievements in internal communications.

  • Career advancement tied to quality: Link career progression opportunities to demonstrating a commitment to quality. Promotions, role enhancements, or opportunities to lead projects can be powerful incentives for maintaining high standards. This approach rewards current achievements and invests in the individual's future role in the organization.

  • Professional development opportunities: Offer access to advanced training, conferences, or educational courses as a reward for quality work. This acknowledges the individual's contributions and furthers their professional growth, benefiting both the employee and the organization.
  • Performance reviews that emphasize quality: Incorporate code quality metrics into performance evaluations. Ensuring that quality is a significant factor in these reviews highlights its importance in the organization's values and the individual's career development.

Rewarding quality effectively requires a balance of immediate recognition, tangible incentives, and opportunities for career and personal growth. By implementing these strategies, organizations can cultivate a culture that produces high-quality work and values and celebrates it.

Quality Requires Everyone

Building a quality-oriented development culture is not a task for a select few; it demands involvement from everyone on the team. 

From leadership setting the tone, mentors guiding with experience, to each developer embracing continuous learning and quality-focused practices. Celebrating and rewarding quality further reinforces this culture. When every member understands their role in upholding code quality, the result is a cohesive, efficient, and innovative team that consistently delivers excellence.


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