Codacy Platform (44)

Scala Static Analysis Tool Review
In the past we reviewed what is static code analysis and made a deep dive into static code analysis tools and now is the time to review Scala static...
“Too many open files” exception: how to fix the bug
“Too many open files” exception is a component Codacy started displaying from time to time. This was one of the hardest bug we’ve had to face to date,...
Code Reviews: Best Practices
Because code reviews are a great tool to achieve higher quality code in a software development project, we will provide an overview and discuss best...
Docker Tutorial: Dockerizing Scala
Prerequisites A working docker installation (boot2docker is fine)
Learning Scala: Top Resources
Since at Codacy we chose Scala to build our infrastructure, it’s important that we provide resources for learning Scala to our engineers (not all the...
Development workflow: 6 ways to include code reviews
The development workflow should include code reviews particularly as code reviews continue to cement as the foundation by which developers share code...

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