

secrets management
Secrets Management: A Complete Guide 
IBM's Cost of a Data Breach 2023 report found that the most common cause of a data breach in 2022 was sensitive, private credentials that were either...
organization manager role
New Organization Manager Role and Language Support Added
Our new organization manager role represents a huge step in our mission to tailor platform access to the needs and preferences of our customers.
code smells and anti patterns
Code Smells and Anti-Patterns: Signs You Need to Improve Code Quality
Software quality isn't a luxury–it's a necessity. As developers, we know that writing code isn't just about making things work; it's about crafting...
What Is DevSecOps? Shift Security Left in Your DevOps Lifecycle
Security is a critical component of modern software development, and development teams are well aware of this. According to our 2024 State of Software...
Shift Left Testing: A Complete Guide 
Despite a constant influx of new tools aimed at helping software development teams become more productive, companies continue to struggle to optimize...
What Are Linters? (+ Why Your Team Should Use Them)
A linter. That’s the thing you roll on your clothes to get rid of cat hair, right? No, that’s a “lint roller” or “lint remover,” but the confusion is...

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