

How to measure Time to recover?
Time to recover is one of the most interesting metrics you should use to evaluate your team’s speed, quality, and overall efficiency of your...
Diff coverage: we have a new metric and quality gate rule for PRs
We’re excited to announce a new metric and a new quality gate rule for PRs in Codacy 🎉 It’s called diff coverage, and with this new feature, you can...
How to measure Deployment frequency?
Deployment frequency is one of the most interesting metrics you should use to evaluate your team’s productivity and the overall efficiency of your...
How to determine your goals and metrics to adopt a data-informed culture
When you are thinking about your Engineering analytics, some common questions might cross your mind:
How to measure Lead time for changes?
Lead time for changes is one of the most interesting metrics you should use to evaluate the efficiency of your Engineering performance.
How to implement Google JavaScript style guide with Codacy
No two developers write code the same way. Indeed, in a large team of developers, everyone codes with their own style preferences.

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