

July Codacy Product Update 🚀
Hello there 👋,
June Product Update: Bulk copy of patterns, new tools, and more. 🚀
Hi there 👋,
May Product Update: Repository list, performance improvements, UX improvements, and more 🚀
Here are the product updates from May! This month we bring you new features, product improvements, and more interesting news to come. 🤩 We also...
April Product Update: New features and improvements, a recorded Codacy Analysis CLI webinar and more 🚀
Here are the product updates from April! This month we bring you new features, product improvements, a recorded Codacy Analysis CLI webinar we...
We Did a Hackathon!
We define ourselves as a startup, and while we proudly carry such a title, we also carry extraordinary responsibilities. After all, you mean to change...
7 drawbacks of linting tools
Linting tools (also known as linters or static analyzers) help automate the code review process. They perform basic static code analysis by flagging...

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