

Enhanced security for C++, Java, and Scala with Clang-Tidy and SpotBugs
As part of our effort to continue expanding our language support, we are excited to announce the support of two new tools for all Codacy users:...
Improve the efficiency of your remote engineering team
COVID-19 hit the ground running and the world felt the impact. Although tech companies seemed to be ahead of the curve by allowing their teams to work...
Further Enterprise security analysis for Scala
We’re excited to announce the latest addition to our suite of security analysis: Spotbugs.
Introducing GitHub Apps for improved user access control
We are very excited to announce our recent migration to GitHub Apps to improve the experience of GitHub Cloud users. Now, you have better control over...
How Agile & Container technology led to the rise of enterprise DevSecOps
New development processes and open-source technologies have shifted the technology security landscape for enterprises. Previously a separate security...
Spring tech events with Codacy: Coverage & what's next
Although many Spring tech events are being canceled or turning virtual due to coronavirus we are fortunate to have already participated in some this...

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