Codacy Quality (18)

6 top products for Scala developers
Scala developers looking for some great open source libraries can go to the excellent Awesome-Scala List or the newly created Scaladex.
Programming languages: comparison of Best Practices, comments
Every main programming language implements comments and every developer out there has written at least a few (comments, not languages).
Regular Expressions: Best Practices
Pretty much every main programming language supports Regular Expressions, and many static analysis tools have patterns that relate to regular...
Cross Programming Languages Best Practices
We want to focus on cross programming best practices as often it seems like best practices are tied to a specific programming language. However, some...
Code Review vs. Testing
Among coding best practices, code review vs. testing are often compared. Here’s what you need to know about each.
How to avoid merge pull request limbo
Sometimes git merge pull requests can take time and become long-lived, a source of frustration for many developers. Long-lived pull requests are pull...

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