How to avoid merge pull request limbo
Sometimes git merge pull requests can take time and become long-lived, a source of frustration for many developers. Long-lived pull requests are pull...
Review of Ruby Static Analysis Tools
Having trouble deciding which tool to use for Ruby Static Analysis, or perhaps unsure whether you found the most common ones? Here’s a small list that...
Integration with ESLint JavaScript Linter
This past year we’ve seen an incredible growth coming from ESLint, a linter on steroids for ECMAScript, JSX and JavaScript code. It quickly became the...
ScalaX: 9 Great Talks At Scala Exchange
Codacy was a sponsor of this year’s edition of ScalaX, Scala eXchange in London.
Open Source Development: a few guidelines
I believe the Open Source movement is the biggest breakthrough in software development. Open Source has allowed many projects to increase the number of...
Top 9 Scala Security Issues To Know About
Here is a list of 9 Scala security issues we feel every Scala developer should know about and try to avoid:

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