Open pull request: what would happened if you merged all open PR?
We really don’t know what would happen if we merged all open pull request (PR).
Discover and predict code quality trends
Introducing our new dashboard with Predictions and Timeline From the beginning we’ve been obsessed with code quality trends and about the important...
Lambda World With Codacy & 47 Degrees
If you are a functional programming aficionado you will be very pleased regarding our partnership for Lambda World conference.
New project quality settings to improve Codacy code check
With the new ability to define project quality settings, we help you perform better code quality checks using Codacy automated code review tool. The...
Reading & Understanding Codacy’s Reporting Feature
This blog post on Codacy’s reporting feature was originally written by Dishant Khanna. Dishant is a student at the Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of...
How to make the Scala compiler review your code
This is a blog post by our own Pedro Rijo on how to make the Scala compiler help you in reviewing your code. The original post can be found here.

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