Code review process: how to improve developer productivity
According to our survey of 680 developers, the code review process had an overall positive impact on developer productivity which we discuss below. We...
Top 7 coding shortcuts that will backfire
As part of our report on software metrics (you can download our report here), we asked our users which coding shortcuts they had taken, and, later...
Security alerts on your project
Just launched our security dashboard: a way for you to quickly view all the security alerts at once.
Three top points on code coverage
Below are descriptions of three top points regarding code coverage including important industry data points so we get a sense of what real companies...
Software Trends — 1964 to today
It’s easy to forget that some of the software trends, technologies, tools and methodologies that we take for granted today haven’t been around for...
10 facts about code review quality
This is a short and sweet story about important facts to know and share about code review quality. Join the discussion on reddit and hacker news.

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