Our open salary calculator takes transparency to the next level
Our new open salary calculator epitomizes a key reason that I joined Codacy – we are always focused on being fair and doing the right thing for the...
Showcasing Codacy at PyCon 2019
PyCon is an annual show in the U.S. that brings the Python community together for several days of talks, workshops, job fairs, and engagement...
12-Factor App Configuration: how to for Java
With application development and deployment changing, we’ll cover how to use 12-factor app configuration for Java applications using Typesafe Config.
Understanding microservices with distributed tracing
This article will focus on patterns and tools to implement Distributing Tracing particularly for microservices. Outline Motivation ...
Designing Better Static Types
Today I want to talk about a programming paradigm that you may or may not have heard about before. It’s named differently by multiple...
Learn Scala: An Intro For Developers (Part 1)
Learn Scala (Part 1) – Introduction Scala is my favorite language to program nowadays. Before I learned Scala, I used to code in C#. C# was actually...

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