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Group 370

Spotlight Whitepaper by IDC on Importance of Automated Code Review Technologies

Group 370

Codacy Security (3)

software composition analysis
Software Composition Analysis (SCA): A Complete Guide
Say you want to make a pizza from scratch. You have to combine ingredients like flour, yeast, water, tomato sauce, cheese, and any other topping you...
penetration testing
Penetration Testing: A Complete Guide
You wouldn't buy a car without ensuring its safety features have undergone rigorous testing, would you? Why risk using an application that hasn't...
every code review is a security review
Every Code Review Is a Security Review
If you had a mission statement for your engineering team, it would probably emphasize delivering features, functionality, and value for users.
Codacy Security Adds Thousands of New SAST Rules With Semgrep Integration
If 2023 taught us anything, it’s that code quality and code security are inextricably linked. Their main commonality? They are both required upstream...
What Is DevSecOps? Shift Security Left in Your DevOps Lifecycle
Security is a critical component of modern software development. With continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices in software...
Codacy Vulnerability Scanning Now Includes Insecure Dependencies Detection
As recently announced during our latest Product Showcase, our team is invested in developing new and exciting Codacy security features.

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